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Within a day

Within a day

I find it interesting when I review my photos and see what I am able to see within a day as I go around Tokyo. I don't think I'll ever take for granted how great of a city I live in. There are constantly scenes for me to photography and for that I am grateful. I am able to find similar beauty as well in whatever city I am in. Today I am off to San Francisco and looking forward to what beauty I can find there. I sat down Saturday morning scanning some film and remembered that the PlusTek Optic Film 120 is coming out. Well I think it is officially out but seems to be back ordered everywhere. I was initially thinking about upgrading my Epson X970 and getting a Nikon CoolScan but they are were so expensive. I think they were excessively expensive given the age of the technology. They seemed to have dropped in price considerably on eBay since the announcement of the PlusTek 120. The reviews on B&H seem pretty good for the PlusTek. Maybe I'll ask Santa for one this year. Does anyone have one yet?

Today's Configuration: Ektar 100 shot with a Leica M6 and Leica M9 with a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95.

Nijō Castle in Kyoto
Nijō Castle in Kyoto
Roppongi Station
Roppongi Station

I'm still amazed that Japan doesn't have noise ordinance laws to prevent trucks like this from going down the street blaring messages and music.

Right Wing Truck
Right Wing Truck

My neighborhood sponsored by Coca Cola...


I got off the train the other night and there was some little festival going on and this guy pounding a drum... I love the surprises I get in Tokyo.


I always pass this temple on the way to the American Club. I always wanted to check it out and decided to stop and see what I could find...

NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja

Here be dragons...

NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja

It was extremely hot, there must have been 1,000 cicada buzzing and it was very empty and quiet. Honestly it was a little creepy. I was expecting to see a strange grounds keeper in any second... It gave me the same feeling I got when I watched The Blair Witch Project. That movie scared the hell out of me...

NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja

Where are the messages that you typically see in temples? This one only had 3!

NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja

Fresh red paint everywhere but otherwise not very well kept up...

NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja

...and completely random coning!

NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja
NIshi Kubo Yahata Jinja

OK time to get back to the City...

Tokyo Tower
Tokyo Tower

...and people.


The Tokyo Riot police. Right in front of the American Club is the Russian Embassy. It is constantly surrounded by police in Tokyo as there are often protests over the sovereignty dispute of the Senkaku Islands. Honestly I'm not sure the extremest groups protesting pose any actual threat other than making a nuisance of themselves. I love to go out on Constitution Day to figure out where the Tokyo Riot Police squaring off with them.


Excellent use of cones: making sure you don't trip over the Riot Police Car Stopper thingy. #approved


Thanks for stopping by today...

Heading to San Francisco

Heading to San Francisco

So Tired

So Tired