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Waiting for takeoff...

Waiting for takeoff...

I love walking around train stations. I could spend all day photographing in them. There is so much going on if you just stop to observe what is going on.  It like being at the airport and waiting for takeoff.  Most of us are in such a hurry that we often are racing through the stations on the way to our next destination without even noticing what is going on. I have also been playing around with the best way to edit my Leica Monochrom images to get the desired look I want. I really like the look I get when I shoot TriX and TMAX film so that is the look I want to emulate so I have been playing around with highlights, shadows, whites and blacks slides. I am also adding a bit of grain and post-crop vignetting. I don't usually edit my M9 shots but the Monochrom files seem to benefit from a bit of editing. It only takes about a minute to edit a picture.

Today's configuration: Leica M Monochrom with a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95.

Waiting for the train
Waiting for the train
Waking for takeoff...
Waking for takeoff...

Plenty of room...

Packed Tokyo Train
Packed Tokyo Train

Together but separate...

Waiting on the platform
Waiting on the platform

Thanks for stopping by today...

Merry Christmas! メリークリスマス!

Hello Ojisan

Hello Ojisan

An early morning walk...

An early morning walk...