Sunday in Jiyugaoka
Sunday in Jiyugaoka is very nice... I decided to grab my camera bag and head out into the streets to see what my new neighborhood had to offer. Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with a Summilux 21mm f/1.4 and a Leica SF 24-D and a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 with ND64 with a 1.4x magnifier.
今日のカメラ:私のライカM9をつかいます。レンズはNoctilux 50mm f/0.95とND64とSummilux 21mm f/1.4とライカSF 24-Dをつかいました。
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
They close the roads to traffic and open them up to pedestrians...
Streets closed on weekends for shopping in Jiyugaoka
Jiyugoaka is fill with hundreds of little shops...
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
Kuma no Ginger in Jiyugaoka
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
I'll need to try this place some evening...
Happy Hour in Jiyugaoka
If you are looking to pawn your gold...these bears can help.
Polar Bears buying gold
Railroad crossing in Jiyugaoka
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
It is very busy but yet very peaceful compared to a lot of other parts of Tokyo. You see a lot of people just hanging out...
Haning in Jiyugaoka
Jiyugaoka Station
Red Lantern
Even late afternoon on Sunday Acid Panda Cafe was still going hard from the night before...
Acid Panda Cafe...loud even on Sunday afternoon
Father and Son waiting for the train crossing
There are lots of great bread shops all over...which is great because I love bread.
Maison Kayser
Found some illegal parking...
Bike illegally parked in Jiyugaoka
Excelsior Caffe
This couple was sitting outside Excelsior Caffe and were very interested in my camera. She was shooting a Canon 7D. They were kind enough to let me take their picture (and without a peace sign!). Shooting at f/0.95 I could decide if I should focus the glasses or the eyes. If anyone has experience let me know which gets a better result. I probably should have shot both.
Couple in front of Excelsior Caffe
Couple in front of Excelsior Caffe
They have sales everywhere...
30-50% off
Papa Crepes...
Papa Crepe in Jiyugaoka
Flower Shop in Jiyugaoka
No Parking bokeh...
No Bike Parking Bokeh
This happy man kept smiling...
Happy Old Man
iPhone 4
No Parking
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
Jiyugaoaka Station
Lots of people just hanging out...
Hanging out at Jiyugaoaka Station
Hanging out at Jiyugaoaka Station
Now this is where I wish I had a long lens... I spotted this bird's nest right near the station. Their mother was flying back and fourth feeding them.
Birds Nest at Jiyugaoka Station
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
WIth Many Others
Shopping in Jiyugaoka
I thought I would provide an example to my Leica Exposure Lock tip the other day...
If you shoot in A mode, with your shutter release set to normal, if you find your subject and half press the shutter you can lock exposure so if you recompose your exposure stays locked. You can tell when it has locked as a little red dot will appear next to the shutter speed number. It is very handy but takes a little while to get the hang of it as the shutter is pretty sensitive. Since I focus and recompose a lot this will be super helpful and much quicker than manual mode but achieving the same thing.
Here is an example when where I focused on the bear and then recomposed the shot. You can see the exposure was set on the store lights making the bear far too dark.
Bear in Shinjuku
On the second shot after focusing I half depressed the shutter to lock the exposure... much better!
Bear in Shinjuku
I had a late night at the office tonight so grabbed some Subway for dinner...
Subway Sandwich in Shinjuku
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