Around Shinjuku and Golden Gai
I stopped by Kinokuniya and picked up another book 'Japan's Cultural Code Words'...a very interesting read so far. Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with Summilux 35mm f/1.4 and my FujiFilm x100.
今日のカメラ:私のライカM9をつかいます。レンズはSummilux 35mm f/1.4。FujiFilm x100もつかいます。
Books in Shinjuku
I stopped by Yodobashi Camera to have my x100 checked. My issue turned out to be delays caused whiled reading my memory card as it was 32GB. I switched to 8GB cards and the issue was resolved.
Yodobashi Camera
Yodobashi Camera
Yodobashi Camera no parking
Taxi in Shinjuku
I love all of these outdoor ramen shops in Tokyo.
Ramen in Shinjuku
Ramen in Shinjuku
Yokatori Alley in Shinjuku
I decided to take a stroll through Golden Gai on my way home...
No Smoking in Shinjuku
Golden Gai is simply one of the best places for photography in Tokyo... I'll let the photos speak for themselves.
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Cat in Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Mailboxes in Golden Gai
Golden Gai
Suntory Bar
Zory in Golden Gai
Japanese Word of the Day: 組み立てる (くみたてる) kumitateru – to assemble, to put together.
I set up a lot of furniture today.
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!