Market Research
I ran a few errands the other day around Hiroo and Shibuya and then off to Ginza for some research for my latest project... Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with Summilux 35mm f/1.4.
今日のカメラ:私のライカM9をつかいます。レンズはSummilux 35mm f/1.4。
Il Buttero in Hiroo
Nana is real
Picture Club in Shibuya
This is one way in Tokyo that cops find people that are here illegally. They stop them and check that their bikes are properly registered and usually learn that the person isn't. This worried expression didn't leave this guys face the entire time I was there so I can imagine the outcome of this stop...
Cops checking bikes in Shibuya
Hot Pepper Tokyo
Pepsi Shibuya
I love Tokyo becoming more smoke free. There is nothing worse than walking behind someone smoking and getting a face full of their smoke. I am fine if people want to smoke, I just don't want to also be smoking along with them.
No Smoking Shibuya
No Smoking Shibuya
No Smoking Shibuya
Thanks Dad...
Thanks Father's Day
Thanks Father's Day
Thanks Father's Day
Very fresh fish...
Extremely yummy roll cake...
Roll Cake in Tokyo
Washing Windows in Tokyo
More train manners...
Train Manners
Big Watch
At Lemon Camera Shop in Ginza doing a little research for my latest project...
Lemon Sha in Ginza
...and a little window shopping.
Lemon Sha in Ginza
Lemon Sha in Ginza
Construction Worker Meeting...
Construction Worker Meeting
I figured while I was in Ginza... it couldn't hurt to stop by Leica.
The Leica Shop in Ginza
Porsche in Ginza
More research... I learnt what I needed to know and I made a lot more progress than I was expecting to. Moving to the next phase...
Camera Shop
Japanese Word of the Day: 研究 (けんきゅう)kenkyuu – research
Yesterday I did some research in Ginza.
Hopefully you like what you saw today, so if you did, please feel free to share with your friends by clicking one of the links below.