Sakura Color
Sakura Snow
A few weeks back I was walking past the park near my house and thought how beautiful it looked covered with Sakura snow from what is now left of the Cherry Blossoms. I enjoy seeing the Cherry Blossom petals covering the ground...
Old school Sakura Color...
Sakura Color
I enjoy shooting with other photographers sometimes as I can get some photos of me in action... These are from when I was out shooting with my friend Mark Esguerra who was in from LA.
Dave Powell from ShootTokyo
Dave Powell from ShootTokyo
Shooting the Cherry Blossoms
Shooting the Cherry Blossoms
Shooting in Shibuya
Shooting in Shibuya
Meet Mark....again.
Shooting in Shibuya
Mark tried out my Leica M9...
Dave from ShootTokyo
I love the names of some Japanese clubs...
I love Japanese signs
Japanese Signs
After shooting with Mark I met up with my friend John for a few drinks...
Taxi Bokeh...
Taxi Bokeh
Thanks for stopping by today...