New Delhi, India
A busy day of meetings in Delhi... With Delhi being 3.5 hours ahead of Tokyo I tend to wake up very early.... I went for a quick walk before breakfast. Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with a Noctilux 50mm f/.95 with an ND64 Filter.
Painting in India
No beef McDonald's...
McDonald's in India
The one thing that you instantly notice in Delhi is the amount of security... these checks and barriers are everywhere.
Security checks in India
Delhi Police Security Barrier
It might be more convincing if they clean up the sign a bit...
Delhi Development Authority
Oh! I have computer knowledge...
Hiring in India
Delhi ATM
This dog didn't like me... he stalked me for most of my walk. Kinda scary.
Delhi Dog
Delhi Post Box
Tuk Tuk
Back to the safety of my hotel...
Security checks in India
My office is only about a 10 minute walk so we all walked there...
Roads in Delhi
Roads in Delhi
Roads in Delhi
Roads in Delhi
After a day of meetings we decided to head out for a little bit of exploring...
Cheesy in the mirror shot
Barbwire in Delhi
Roads in Delhi
The Lotus Temple... It was already closed but glad to get to stop and take a picture.
Lotus Temple in Delhi
There were people everywhere cooking corn...
Cooking Corn in Delhi
Danbo stuck in India traffic...
Danbo in Delhi Traffic
Roads in Delhi
Driver in New Delhi
Driver in New Delhi
Roads in Delhi
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!