An afternoon walk in New Delhi
Another day in New Delhi, India... The trash pile I walked by yesterday was removed and now covered in lime... Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with a Noctilux 50mm f/.95 with an ND64 Filter.
Streets in New Delhi
As I was walking by this pile... all of the crows took flight. It was a bit eerie.
Streets in New Delhi
Smoking Zone in New Delhi
New Delhi taken out my office window...
New Delhi India
A construction site... sort of.
Construction Site in New Delhi
A taxi...
Tuk Tuk in New Delhi
A Family Physician...
Family Physician in New Delhi
Security checks at the markets...
Metal Detectors at the markets in New Delhi
Hotel Room this way
I'm supportive...
Make Delhi Clean
Clearly a global problem...
Bike in New Delhi
Bike in New Delhi
OK 499
Puppies make everything better...
Puppies in New Delhi
Not sure he read the sign...
No Smoking in New Delhi
Barista Lavazza in New Delhi
More security checks...
Metal detectors in New Delhi
The Mobile Store New Delhi
Office Stationery
Bank of India
Street Food...
Cooking on the street
Hygrade Products
Wine, Beer and a Marriage License... This place is like Vegas.
Delhi Tourism
Investments in New Delhi
Hmmm. Should I drop my Rolex off for a tune up?
Rolex repair in New Delhi
Computer Key
Apple Cart on the street in New Delhi
Hotel metal detectors...
Hotel security checks
Dinner at the hotel...
Dinner at my hotel in New Delhi
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!