Wednesday Night in Tokyo
With mounting concerns of blackouts much of Tokyo is doing what they can to conserve power to try to prevent it. Our building's escalators have been shut off to conserve power. All of us can do with a bit more exercise anyways. I have had a lot of people ask me what I am shooting these pictures with. All of the pictures were shot with a Leica M9 and a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 lens for the most part they are shot at .95, iso 160 and various shutter speeds.
If I look down upon this area from my 26th floor office it glows from the neon but last night Shinjuku's business district is almost pitch black to help conserve electricity. It is strange to see it like this.
A sidewalk Ramen Noodle shop remains open late to feed hungry business men.
A few salary men stop off for some Yakitori and a few beers.
A taxi waits in the dark for a customer.
After a very long week I decided to stop off on my way home for a bit to eat and a beer. Thankfully Tasu Ichi in Shibuya also had a few people in it with a sense of humor. I think we can all use a laugh.
Sometimes the responsible thing to do is have a beer.
8. Beer
Let's see what Thursday brings....