Tuesday in Tokyo
It's only Tuesday in Tokyo but what a busy week this has been so far and it is only mid-week! The Guardian launched a Tokyo Guide this morning and used one of my photographs. "Tokyo without Neon"
In the weeks and months after Japan's 9.0-magnitude earthquake last March Tokyo was on the verge of blacking out. Tokyo extinguished its neon as one of the ways to conserve power. The way the citizens of Japan conducted themselves set an example for the world. This image is a reminder of how people should handle themselves.
Tokyo without Neon
I took the train yesterday vs. driving as I had dinner with a friend after work. After a few rounds of watching them squeeze more and more passengers into the 'express' train to Shibuya I looked at my watch and decided I had enough time to take the 'local' train. It just isn't worth the 7 minute savings somedays.
A 'train pusher' in Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo has some of the coolest bikes... I never got into motorcycles but I imagine they are a ton of fun to ride. I wonder what type I would ride. Probably a red Ducati.
I have to give it to McDonald's they are marketing genius in Japan. They just launched their next phase of 'Big America II' with the 'Las Vegas' Burger. There is constantly a line outside...
McDonald's in Shinjuku
Postal delivery in Japan...
Japan Postal Delivery
There was a beautiful sunset over Shinjuku last night. I shot this from my office building. If you look off in the distance you can see Mt. Fuji!
Sunset in Shinjuku
I headed out last night to have dinner with a friend...
Chuo Line
I love how orderly people are waiting for trains in Japan.
Orderly people waiting for the train at Tokyo Station
I know the feeling...
So Tired in Marunouchi
So Tired in Marunouchi
We had some lovely Thai food.
Thai Food in Marunouchi
Handle on the Train in Tokyo
I stopped off for a little shooting in Shibuya on my way home...
Shibuya Station
This band was rocking out in front of Starbucks and Tsutaya. They are really good and had a pretty big crowd watching them.
Band Playing in front of Shibuya Station
Band Playing in front of Shibuya Station
Band Playing in front of Shibuya Station
Extra Gold
The final four.
Shibuya Station
Jiyugaoa Station
I'll be honest... at 11:45pm McDonald's looked pretty good but I passed by and went home. I do like the rim lighting on the woman's head walking toward me.
McDonald's in Jiyugaoka
Thanks for stopping by!