Tokyo International Forum and Tokyo Station
This a continuation from yesterday's post. After watching the Tokyo Riot Police for a while it began to rain so I headed to Starbucks for a little rest and some coffee. Japanese Word of the Day: やっつける yattsukeru - to beat, to attack, to do away with, like Papa I am going to beat you up, パパをやっつける!
Today’s configuration: Today I shot my Leica M9 and I shot all of my lens: Summilux 21mm f/1.4, Summilux 35mm f/1.4, Noctilux 50mm f/0.95.
Starbucks in Ginza
This Indian Chef was making naan. このインド人はナンをつくっています。
Indian Chef making Naan in Ginza
After I walked over to Yurakucho and Tokyo International Forum. あとはゆうらくちょうと東京こくさいフォーラムにいきました。
This monk was collecting money...
Monk in Yurakucho
Tokyo International Forum. 東京こくさいフォーラムです。
Tokyo International Forum
What a view! すごいですね!
Tokyo International Forum
Tokyo International Forum
I stopped by Bic Camera and they had these massive Legos on display... ビックカメラにおおきいレゴがあります。 ハリーポッターです。
Giant Harry Potter Legos
Buzz! トイストーリーのバズです。
Giant Toy Story Buzz Light Year Legos
Woody! トイストーリーのウッディです。
Giant Toy Story Woody Legos
Crane Game in Tokyo
Chinese Food, or as they call it in China, food. 中華料理(ちゅうかりょうり)です。
Chinese Food
Look at all of the places to explore. To put the size of Tokyo in perspective, the green circle is the Yamanote Line. It takes 1 hour to complete the circle on the train.
Tokyo Subway Map
Be careful if you drink this stuff....
Super Dry
Subway Manners
Tokyo Station... 東京駅です。。。
Tokyo Station, Tokyo, Japan
I went to check out the Shinkansen platforms... 新幹線(しんかんせん)をみにいきました。
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Track 20-1
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Train conducting is serious business...
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Good Message...go Japan, go Tohoku! いいですね。がんばろう日本!がんばろう東北!
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo Station Shinnkansen Tracks
Tokyo's Shinjuku Station
Tokyo Banana...yummy little cakes. A great way to says Thanks to your wife when you have been out shooting all afternoon. 東京バナナ。。。おいしいです。
Tokyo Banana
Time to hop the Yamanote Line home... うちにかえります。
Yamanote Line in Tokyo, Japan
Don't grab (women) on the train. ちかんはだめですよ!!!
Police Sign
So much more to explore... 東京おおきいですね。
Tokyo Subway Map