A short walk in Bangkok
After a short flight (well 5 hours seems short lately) I settled into my hotel and decided to go for a short walk in Bangkok while it was still light out. I haven't been to Thailand for about 3 years. It is nice to be back and see how the city has changed. As always you have to choose your direction carefully or you can get stuck in a lot of traffic...
Today’s Configuration: Leica M Monochrom with a Summilux 28mm f/2.0
Bangkok Thailand
The remains of a phone booth...
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
I saw this giant weird Micky Mouse sorta graffiti everywhere...
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
The one thing I am always amazed about in South East Asia are the telephone wires everywhere.
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
McDonald's in Thailand
A quick tuk tuk back to the hotel...
Riding a tuk tuk in Bangkok
I'm hoping to get out a little more and shoot. Thanks for stopping by today...