Kitakata Sake Brewery
The next stop was to Kitakata Sake Brewery. I love Japanese Sake. Its one of the really good things about Japan. As we approached the brewery I saw this older man filling water bottles from the stream out from. I asked him why it was doing that. Apparently the water there is really good and it is the same spring water they brew the sake with. Today’s Configuration: Leica M9-P with a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95, Summilux 21mm f/1.4 and a Ricoh GR
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
The one thing that surprised me in Fukushima was no one was phased by the cameras. People would look at them quickly but then just as quickly ignore them. It was almost if they were indifferent to them or just didn't care they were there.
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
The line up of sake...
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
These are the stamps for putting the seal on the sake barrels and bottles labels.
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Kitakata Sake Brewery
It's only appropriate to taste and buy sake when you visit. I had no choice... The image didn't upload correctly the first time and it looks like I had too much to drink.
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Here is the correct image...
Kitakata Sake Brewery
Thanks for stopping by today...