Coming to America
Boston Photographers: I am putting together a photo walk around Boston on Saturday August 27th at 2PM. My idea is we meet up around 2PM and then walk around and shoot the different sites and sounds of Boston... Faneuil Hall, The Waterfront, The crowd for the Red Sox Game, The T, or whatever the collective group is into. When we are done shooting we can all stop off for a drink or two and some dinner! It is a great opportunity for people to get out and just have a good time shooting. It will be very casual walk with some sharing of knowledge... We can firm up the details as the group forms and we get a little closer to the date but please indicate your interest by dropping me an email or leaving a comment below. I'll add you to Google+ so you can get into the Boston Photowalk Circle. I have had a really good response so far on Google+ so I hope to see you in Boston!
now on to today's blog post...
Off to the US for 2.5 weeks. I really am not looking forward to being away from Japan and my family for this long but happy that I will get to spend some time with my Parents while in Boston.
Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 with an ND64 and a FujiFilm x100.
Boarding the 'Friendly Bus'... I feel like it's groundhog day lately.
The Friendly Bus to Narita Airport
A very cool 1970 Dodge Charger Convertible...
1970 Dodge Challenger Convertible
Security check to enter Narita..
Police at Narita Airport
Narita Airport
Narita Airport
Samurai at Narita Airport
I had to take a double take the at newly branded Continental/Untied Planes...
New United Continental Airplane
I was in coach but at least in Economy Plus with two empty seats next to me...
New United Continental Airplane
New United Continental Airplane
Welcome to America
Welcome to Washington Dulles International Airport
My Parents met me at the Airport... I saw lots of people holding balloons..Thankfully not my family.
Welcome to Washington Dulles International Airport
After checking into the hotel... we went for a short walk to grab dinner.
Hotel hallway
Cool Wall
Keep off the grass
Stress Crossing
I would have hated to be on this bike when it fell...
Katana Motorcycle
We went to a decidedly American place for dinner...
Buffalo Wild Wings
I got about half way through and stopped... It was good but I am just not used to US food anymore. I know some food is processed in Asia but I can really taste the 'processed' in the food when I first get back to the US. I am also always surprised at the taste of sugar in everything. I will go for a long walk this morning to offset this dinner.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Buffalo Wild Wings
Free smells...
Jimmy John's
Volley Ball
The other thing I was reminded of is how perfect street signs are in Tokyo... (except the no jaywalking sign that is a sticker magnet).
Street Signs in America
Street Signs in America
Homeland Security Police...
Homeland Security Police
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!