Audi Forum Tokyo
I had to drop my car off at Audi Forum Tokyo in Harajuku this morning for my yearly service...such a cool building. Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with a Summilux 21mm f/1.4.
今日のカメラ:私のライカM9をつかいます。レンズはSummilux 21mm f/1.4。
Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi Forum Tokyo
The new Audi A7.... a very cool looking car. Don't say it looks like the Mercedes CLS...they are a little sensitive to that comment.
Audi A7 at the Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi A7 at the Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi A7 at the Audi Forum Tokyo
I had a very cool view out of my office window today... very cool sky full of clouds. I think this might make a nice view for a time lapse.
Tokyo Japan
I went for sushi again for lunch...
Sushi in Shinjuku
Sushi in Shinjuku
I could eat this every day for lunch...I love how you just don't feel heavy after.
Sushi in Shinjuku
Tokyo, Japan
Day Moon!
Tokyo, Japan
I was out of the office for a couple of week and surprised to see a Labi Electronics Store being built near my office...I was even more excited when I saw a Lemon Camera Shop opening up as well... Lemon is a famous second hand shop that focuses on Leica. I am in a lot of trouble...
Tokyo, Japan
Back to Audi to pick up my car... Stopped off to look at the R8 Spider. I was lucky enough to get one of these (hard top) as a loner for a week. It's a long story but OMG is an accurate way to describe driving this...
Audi R8 Spider at Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi R8 Spider at Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi R8 Spider at Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi R8 Spider at Audi Forum Tokyo
Audi R8 Spider at Audi Forum Tokyo
My loaner...
Black Audi R8
Black Audi R8
Audi Forum Tokyo
I love how your drop your car off for a free tune up and you get it back washed and waxed.
The ShootTokyo Audi S4 at the Audi Forum Tokyo
The ShootTokyo Audi S4 at the Audi Forum Tokyo
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!